Devotionals for 2022

Tuesday 11-8-22 Devotional - Lesson 53 - God's Mercy by Richard Sibbes

Thursday 11-3-22 Devotional      -  Lesson 52 - WSC Q. 5 - Are there more God's than one? 

Tuesday  11-01-22 Devotional     -  Lesson 51 - Isaiah 4:2 - The Branch

Thursday 10-13-22 Devotional    -  Lesson 50 - WSC Q. 4 - What is God?

Thursday 10-06-22  Devotional   -   Lesson 49 - WSC Q. 3 - Two main things the Scriptures teach us

Tuesday   10-04-22  Devotional   -   Lesson 48 - Isaiah 3:8-9 - WARNINGS

Tuesday   09-27-22  Devotional   -   Lesson 47 - Isaiah 2:2 - Live in Faith

Thursday 09-22-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 46 - WSC Q. 2 - The Bible alone tells us about God.

Thursday 09-15-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 45 - Westminster Shorter Catechism Question #1 - What is the chief end of man?

Tuesday   09-13-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 44 - Isaiah 1:18 - "What can wash away my sin?"

Thursday 09-08-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 43 - Romans 12:1-2 - Good, perfect and acceptable

Thursday 08-04-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 42 - Luke 8:16 - Are you a hearer AND a doer of the Word?

Tuesday   08-02-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 41 - Luke 7:4Westminster Shorter Catechism7 - The infinitely deeper love of God.

Tuesday   07-26-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 40 - Luke 5:16 and Luke 6:12 - The importance of Prayer.

Thursday 07-21-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 39 - Luke 4:1-2 - How we can be like Christ in defeating our own temptations.

Tuesday   07-19-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 38 - 1 Samuel 12:24 - Samuel's advice

Thursday 07-14-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 37 - Luke 2:48-49 - "Are you striving to be about your Father's business today?"

Tuesday   07-12-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 36 - Luke 2:29-32 (ESV) - Simeon's response to Christ

Tuesday   07-05-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 35 - Hebrews 4:14-16 - "Jesus Christ is our Great High Priest"

Thursday 06-30-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 34 - 1 John 5:1-5 - Are you growing in your faith, holiness, and desire for Jesus?

Tuesday   06-28-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 33 - Hebrews 13:8 - "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

Tuesday   06-21-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 32 - Ephesians 5:1-2 (ESV) - "Walk in Love"

Tuesday   06-14-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 31 - Acts 2:37 - "What shall we do?"

Thursday 06-02-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 30 - Philippians 4:6-7 - Do not be anxious about anything ...  Video: It is well ... Audio

Tuesday   05-31-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 29 - Colossians 3:23-24 - Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord ...

Tuesday   05-24-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 28 - Psalm 145:8-9 - The LORD is gracious and merciful ...

Thursday 05-19-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 27 - Acts 20:28 - Pay careful attention ...

Tuesday   05-17-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 26 - Romans 6:10-11 - You are free in Christ!

Thursday 05-05-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 25 - Isaiah 35:4 - Say to those who have an anxious heart, be strong; fear not!

Thursday 04-28-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 24 - Acts 4:12 - There is salvation in no one else

Tuesday   04-26-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 23 - Psalm 115:4-8 - Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands

Thursday 04-14-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 22 - Deuteronomy 4:39 - The LORD is God ... there is no other

Tuesday   04-12-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 21 - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Rejoice, Pray, Thank!

Thursday 04-07-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 20 - Galatians 2:16 - It is the object of our faith (Christ alone) that saves us. 

Tuesday   04-05-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 19 - 1 John 1:8-9 - "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves"

Thursday 03-31-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 18 - Titus 3:4–7 (ESV) - The Love of God

Tuesday   03-29-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 17 - Psalm 8:1 - May we worship WHO God is today!

Thursday 03-17-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 16 - Romans 5:1-2 (ESV) - Our salvation is found in Christ alone. (w/St. Patrick's Prayer)

Thursday 03-10-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 15 - Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Thursday 03-03-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 14 - Luke 9:23-25 - What is the cost of Discipleship?

Tuesday   03-01-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 13 - Matthew 7:24-27 - Christ is the Rock by James Boice   (Direct-Link)

Thursday 02-17-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 12 - Ephesians 5:1-2 - Be Imitators of God

Thursday 02-10-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 11 - 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 - Reconciliation

Tuesday   02-08-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 10 - Proverbs 18:2, 13 - The Communication Skill of Listening

Thursday 02-03-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 9  -  Romans 12:1-2 - Strive for Holiness

Tuesday   02-01-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 8  -  Proverbs 12:1;15 - A Wise Man Listens to Advice  

Tuesday   01-25-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 7  -  Proverbs 6:16-19 - The 7 Deadly Sins

Tuesday   01-18-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 6  -  Proverbs 3:5-6  -  Trust in the Lord

Sunday    01-16-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 5  -  Special Sunday devotional during weather closing

Thursday 01-13-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 4  -  Matthew 11:28-30  -  Make Christ your "yoke mate"

Tuesday   01-11-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 3  -  Proverbs 1:7 - What does it mean to Fear the Lord?

Thursday 01-06-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 2  -  Matthew 28:18-20  -  Making Disciples

Tuesday   01-04-22   Devotional   -   Lesson 1  -  Proverbs 1:7 - Fear of the Lord